Saturday, March 3, 2012


Checking back through the blog, I realise that the last post I made was way back in October last year... according to my math, unless I am mistaken, it's nearly five months since then. Technically, that makes it my first post for 2012. Whoopie-doo!

I don't have any real message or much news to put out for this first post. Just thought I'd share a couple of my ideas about what's been happening, what's going to happen and what may hopefully happen this year. I think I owe it to the people who STILL check out my blog even though it's blogger seems to have been dead all this time.

So the biggest thought on most people's minds once they stop thinking about what to do with their lives is the 2012 Question: IS the world coming to an end this December, as per the Mayan myth made famous by the movie 2012. Frankly, I couldn't care less. The world is in such a terrible situation that it seems like we NEED a crisis like this to smash all the problems in order to start afresh- order from chaos. Besides, it's just a better excuse to do all the things you want to do but were unable to. Just be careful, though- it would be awkward after all that the world doesn't end after all.

It also appears that TROLLING Pictures have successfully invaded the Internet. Sites like 9GAG have now become a guilty pleasure and enjoyable past time, although I have to admit, it's now the biggest time waster since the inception of Facebook. Phrases such as "Like a Boss", "Watch out, we got a badass over here" and "Epic Win", "Bitch, please" amongst many others, have integrated themselves into daily life and conversation these days. I myself use them constantly, especially when online.

Another guilty pleasure I've gotten myself into is the delight of a TV Show by the name of "COMMUNITY". I LOVE IT! The constant pop-culture references and meta-humour make it feel so much more real than all the other sitcoms on the cable these days. Thank God NBC put the show back on the schedule after putting it on indefinite hiatus- criminal offense of the first degree! Besides, Alison Brie is one of the most amazing characters on that show and it's lamenting that girls like her no longer exist. Five-to-six females out of ten around my age nowadays are pretentious show-offs and b*****s, sorry to say it. It's amazing how when they're all together in the same place the building doesn't implode for all the collected stupidity.  

That's it for now, I guess. A big thank you to all those who tune into my blog.

Here's to the future. May the Force be with you.


  1. Yep definitely the dark knight. nice work keep it going. may the force be with you

  2. woops wrong post sorry. this was for the top 10 movie sequels
