Tuesday, September 24, 2013


It's been 3 months since I last wrote something. What gives?

Two words: Dexter series finale. Okay, three words. 


I latched onto Dexter relatively late into the game- five years late, to be precise. By the time I caught up, the sixth season had already started rolling, which means I was in the current loop for the last three seasons.

Three seasons which, to be honest, felt like an extended epilogue to a series that could have easily ended with the fifth season. In other words: seasons six, seven and eight were pretty mediocre.

Okay, that's a little harsh. The seventh season in particular picked up the bad taste left behind by the largely forgettable sixth season save for the long overdue reveal of the real Dexter to his sister. 

But the final season... oh the final season. It is unfathomable to understand how the writers could have possibly squandered and butchered the last adventures of the eponymous Dexter Morgan. By the time the series finale ended, it wasn't so much a "WTF?!" reaction as an "Oh well" one. Save for that particular scene (I shan't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet) towards the end with probably the best music the show has ever drummed up in its eight-year run, the last one hour of Dexter was an empty reminder of a taut compelling show it was once upon a time. 

Where did it go wrong?

* Again- SPOILERS TO FOLLOW! Stop reading if you haven't watched the final season *

Firstly: the writers treated the characters with way too much disrespect and tossed their sensibility right through the window- nay! it SMASHED THE GLASS AND FLEW WAY OUT OF ORBIT! For a show about a serial killer who had to keep making smart decisions to not get caught, the people in it are so oblivious that if real, I'd demand they be fired from the Miami Metro for such incompetence.

Secondly: there didn't seem to be any proper direction in which this season was heading. They kept making half-assed decisions and whenever something was getting interesting (Dexter getting a protege, Cassie, the tension between Dex and Deb), they'd completely smash it aside for something mundane.

Thirdly: they took a bunch of interesting ideas and executed them terribly and played it safe. Somebody should have hired George R. R. Martin to teach them about how in a good story, nobody- ESPECIALLY the hero- should be exempt from death.

By the time the credits rolled, I felt sad- for all the wrong reasons. That the one consistently great character met an utterly unworthy demise (no, not Dexter) at the hands of the worst villain on the show, that the most moving element of the episode was the score in arguably the only scene which elicited SOME emotion, that it was an overall sloppy season ever- it all snowballed into a series finale that was largely forgettable and one that many fans of Dexter would be happy to forget. 

Don't forget to check out: How The Final Season of Dexter Should Have Ended

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