Friday, February 25, 2011


The new trend with teenage relationships these days are very strange. It has sort of become a fashion for them to carve on their bodies with anything sharp that they can get their hands on, like they are performing some kind of hideous ritual. Compasses… blades… more compasses… you get the picture.

Cutting yourself up is not going to help. Acting like a spoiled 2-year old child and throwing a tantrum doesn’t work either. Rather than gaining sympathy, a person committing the above is more likely to push the people who care about him further away, earning a lot of disgust and contempt in the process. To demonstrate my meaning, enter Master Carve Nut.

Mr. Carve Nut has been in love with this beautiful girl for a very long time. But he was too shy to tell her of his feelings (but he makes it pretty obvious) and she’s too… well, unsure… about whether liking him back. This lethal combination causes Carve Nut to sink into depression. So, what do his friends do? They are able, by some miracle, to get them together.

Why can’t stories ever end with, ‘and they lived happily ever after’? Instead, it gets further complicated, if that is even possible.

If Carve Nut was ever ecstatic about getting the girl he wanted, the only indication of this was the change in his relationship status on Facebook from “single” to “in a relationship”. Apart from that, it was as if the two were never even friends, much less a couple. We hardly ever saw them smiling or enjoying the company of each others. To be honest, it got depressing for others to hang out with them, especially around Carve Nut. Not a minute passed when he wasn’t complaining about some problem he’s having with the relationship. Carve Nut was a leech sucking out all the fun from the word ‘Fun’.

That was just the surface of the problem. Carve Nut sunk into further depression, if that is even possible, and started to act as if he was the unluckiest person on the planet. It got worse: he caused a lot of friction with his friends because they ended up having to be arbitrator since the above-mentioned couple could never find it easy to just talk to each other without tension rising. Of course, there was also the case where Carve Nut started acting as though they were getting married instead of simply being ‘boyfriend’. Friends alienated, possibility of losing girlfriend becoming more and more likely, it looked as if every day for Master Carve Nut was a waking hell. That couldn’t have been too pleasant.

Then, about 4 months after they’d gotten together, (surprise surprise!) Carve Nut and the girl broke up. That was the beginning of the period of eternal mourning. Unable to cope with the loss, Carve Nut sought to repair the friendships he’d damaged earlier with his arrogant attitude. Feeling sorry for his plight, the friends he’d once cast away reconciled to help lift him out from that dark pit of despair in which he was trapped. However, they weren’t exactly prepared for the task they’d undertaken as it started to blow out of proportion.

Carve Nut was continuously moping and blamed his poor girlfriend for everything that went wrong in the relationship, not realizing that perhaps he was the one at fault; all of this began to cast a terrible and infectious gloom amongst the company he kept with. It reached a point so unbearable that the friends decided to sort things out between Carve Nut and the girl, once and for all. They forced the ex-couple to decide whether they truly wanted the relationship to continue or not. Carve Nut was all for getting back. The girl, however, was extremely reluctant, realizing that she was more unhappy in the relationship than she was when single. For her, it wasn’t worth returning. This declaration was broken to Carve Nut.

Now, a strong and mature person would have been heartbroken to hear this, true enough. But he would have somehow found a way to overcome his sadness and with time, move on. Carve Nut, unfortunately, did not fit into this category. Au contraire…

People take bad news in different ways. Some bear it silently and don’t show much emotion outwardly. Some take it hard but they don’t break down completely. Carve Nut, in credit to his name, used his body as a wall for graffiti and started carving himself up.   

Normally, it is against the habit of a writer to get personal, but perhaps it is vital at this point. Carve Nut started behaving in an extremely foolish and immature manner. It should be reminded (very important!) that Carve Nut was less than sixteen; instead, he was behaving as though his wife of fifty years had just divorced him and then got run over by a car in front of his eyes. Unusual, but true.

Is it an act to get attention? Is it the ploy of a spoiled child used to getting his way having finally realized that for the first, he couldn’t get everything he wanted? Whatever the reason, one thing remains certain: resorting to such behavior- carving and behaving badly- leads to no good. Perhaps it is a way of “dulling the pain” so that they won’t feel so hurt anymore but it is still an extremely dangerous method of doing so and highly discouraged. Also, crying everyday does not do much help, either.

Carving among couples is done at the oddest of times. If a couple is sad, they will carve themselves. If they are happy, they will carve themselves. If they are bored, they will carve themselves! Is it a sign of affection they wish to show their significant other, a display of their devotion?

Love is complicated, true enough, but this writer highly doubts that the contract signed when entering a relationship requires the parties to use extremely unorthodox (and painful) methods such as carving. If you know any couple going to this extent, it is recommended that you make arrangements for them in rehabilitation. Silly people, are they not?


  1. How true?! Such a stupid stupid ideaaa :P
    Great Work men.. Keep it up:)

  2. Dinesh, u nevr cease 2 disappoint me man...
    Great Work man.. dude, i guess u knw hw much Carve Nut's frendz went through nah... Glad dat sme f his frendz r out of it... :)
    Great work man...

  3. Cease to amaze* hehe mistake there... :D
