Saturday, October 15, 2011


It's been a hectic week and I've barely had anytime to write for HOLMES' HIDEOUT. So, rather than delving into an article or story, I decided to share with you, dear reader, my Top Ten Favourite Movies of all time. If you haven't watched them, check them out, and please feel free to comment and share your thoughts and your favourite movies too!


01. The Lord of the Rings trilogy
02. The Lion King
03. Star Wars Episode Five: The Empire Strikes Back
04. Lawrence of Arabia
05. Schindler's List
06. Casablanca
07. Ratatouille
08. The Dark Knight
09. Spider-Man 2
10. Toy Story 3

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Geek: (gēk) n. a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked
Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Geek: (gēk) n. a cool species that is sadly misunderstood
Dinesh Liyanage

In addition to tigers, Giant Pandas and Asian elephants, this author would like to submit a new entry to the list of endangered species: a small dying breed known as “geeks”.

It is incredibly and unbelievably sad that only a very few people remain with whom I could engage in a long and entertaining conversation that will sporadically jumps from the universe and mythology of Star Wars to the world that was first entered through a wardrobe and came to be known as Narnia, from the magical castle of Hogwarts of Harry Potter to joining two Hobbits on a ragged and dangerous journey outlined in the epic trilogy of The Lord of the Rings

What ever happened to the days where we would sit at one side and endlessly discuss the fate of Harry Potter as we waited in eager anticipation for the release of the final book? Does anyone still imagine how cool it would be to wield real lightsabers or actually be a part of the timeless galaxy created by George Lucas? And is there anyone left who remembers the Golden Age of Pokémon, a glorious era of childhood where trading cards and playing the Nintendo Games held an important place in a child’s life? If one went walking around the school about six years ago, in almost every nook and corner, one would hear the latest developments in Pokémon: Ruby. My birthday cake for my sixth birthday was moulded in the shape of that yellow critter Pikachu- and every time I remember that piece of my childhood, it has never failed to put a smile on my face. 

Where is the geek in us nowadays? For that matter, is anyone even aware about such pop icons and influences that have helped shape culture into what it is today? Most people seemed to have dunked the head of the geek inside them into a vat of boiling acid and let it burn and shrivel to death, allowing a dull soul to grow instead in its place. I know many people who tell me to “grow up” when I start speaking of such things. They prefer to talk about mundane events, instead, like about the upcoming exams. 

Dear reader! Don’t ever let your inner geek die! It may occasionally fall silent but never allow it to remain permanently deaf. Heed its cries- let the geek raise its head and crow against all those who try to oppress it. 

I leave you with this line from the song Baba O’Riley by The Who:

~ “Don't cry, don't raise your eye. It's only teenage wasteland.” ~

Sunday, October 2, 2011


The urge to kill him was getting stronger.

     I am not a psychopath. But I am concerned about my sister’s well-being, especially after she made a decision to continue staying with Sean, even though the brute had beaten, battered and raped her in the past. She did not seem capable of detaching herself and letting the animal go, even after the number of times I tried explaining about how she was throwing her life and future away. She’d simply say, ‘I still love him, Tommy. And I know he loves me, too. No matter how… angry he can be.’

     It’s messed up, I know. But it’s hard on me because I love my sister. She’s the only one who’s ever truly understood me. Well, from what she’s seen of me, at least. There are some things about me that I prefer to keep hidden. No decent person would understand, not even someone as caring as my sister LeAnn. And I didn’t want to lose the only sibling and remaining family member I have.

     The gate I was standing in front of was dilapidated and rusted. It was guarding a house in an equally neglected state, the paint peeling and the walls dirty. The small front garden was unkempt and had been allowed to grow wild. A light bulb hung crookedly over the front door. The windows were stained and unclean, the curtains were drawn and even from this distance, I could hear the thump-thump of loud rap music blaring from inside.

     I winced. What was it with abusive people and their fascination with rap music?

     I placed my hand on the gate, but did not open it. I was still thinking about what I was planning to do. I absently ran my finger along the sheath of the hunting knife strapped to my side. The clean and sharp blade was craving for blood- I could hear its cries and pleas for it to be fed. Just like that knife, I too hungered for blood. The blood of the animal ruining my sister’s life.   

     I could have calmly walked into the house and slice Sean’s neck then and there. Disposing of the body— not a problem. I’d been rehearsing it in my mind for the past two weeks. The world wouldn’t miss the crack-snorting and abusive Sean; heck, they’d thank me and give a medal for getting rid of him. So what was stopping me? 

     My sister. LeAnn would never forgive me if she knew what I did. How sure am I about that? Very. She’d told me.

     ‘I can get rid of him for you, sis,’ I said quietly. There had only been a very few customers at the café that afternoon. The sun was shining on LeAnn’s head through the window. She was holding her cup of coffee in both hands, staring deeply— with an almost religious fervour— into the dark liquid trapped in its cylindrical container, as though she could see something that I could not.

     My sister had not spoken a word from the time she’d walked in after I had called and asked her to meet me. An enormous bruise on the side of her face was slowly purpling. Her eyes were red and swollen (from crying) and she looked prematurely aged, as if an extra three decades had been added to her already thirty years.

     But somewhere in her lost state of mind, she appeared to have registered what I’d said. She raised her head and met my gaze— and I started involuntarily. Her eyes were blazing with a fury I’d never witnessed before and to be honest, it frightened me.

     ‘Stay away from Sean, Tommy.’ LeAnn’s voice was hoarse and raspy from all the cigarettes she smoked. Her yellowed and stained fingernails curled around the coffee cup bore testimony to it. ‘It’s not your problem—’

     She coughed, a gravelly smoker’s cough. Somewhere deep inside me, I felt a twang of pity. Whatever said and done, at the end of the day, blood is thicker than water; and even if I didn’t care about people in general, I’d never put my sister in that league. I remember LeAnn from her cheerleading days back in high school— she was just another sixteen year old girl with all the same insecurities of life… but she was happier. It killed me to see her the way she was now.

     ‘Don’t, Tommy,’ she said, going through a second round of coughing. ‘Please… I can take of this.’

     And you’re doing a fine job, I thought.

     ‘Whatever you want, sis,’ I said. I placed my hand on hers— I’d learnt long ago that doing that helped. ‘I was… I’m just looking out for you.’

     She gazed at me. ‘I’m sorry,’ she whispered. Tears suddenly sprang to her eyes.

     ‘For what?’ I hated it when people started crying. But I’d learnt it was important to never show your distaste for the appearance of tears. Apparently, it made you a horrible person. I’m still trying to figure out how that exactly works.  

    ‘For dragging you into my problems.’ She pulled her hand away and fished around in her battered turquoise handbag for a clean handkerchief. She blew her nose and looked at me with freshly red and watery eyes. ‘You must be ashamed to tell people that I’m your sister.’

     ‘No, I’m not,’ I replied. It was the truth. But I was ashamed to say that she refused to leave Sean. ‘How could you think like that?’

     A weak smile from LeAnn. ‘Sorry.’

     I’m sorry, too, sis. I stared up at the house. I’m sorry— no, that’s a lie. I’m only too happy to kill your boyfriend.

     I pushed the gate open. It creaked noisily as it swung to a side on rusty hinges.

     The music grew louder with each step. I analysed my point of entry. Front door— no, not smart. Back door— better.   

     I sneaked around to the back. Stealthily, carefully, I turned the doorknob. The door opened without any noise or trouble. Good. I gripped the handle of the hunting knife with eager anticipation. I’d been waiting to do this for a long time.

     I padded through the tiny kitchen and into the living room. My nose crinkled at the smell. Let me try and describe it as simple as possible- combine the stench of unwashed gym socks with a decaying body under a hot sun, and you’ll know what I mean.

     The place was a mess. The rap music was blasting from a yellow boom box on the floor. Dirty cushions, unwashed and sweaty clothes and the remnants of half-eaten TV dinners lay strewn all over the living room. Filthy.

     And there he was. Lying on the couch. Sean was either unconscious or really drunk. His limp hand, dangling over the edge of the moth-eaten sofa, loosely clutched an empty bottle of Jack Daniel’s.

     Pig, I thought. You don’t deserve my sister.

     I quickly scanned the area. My sister was nowhere to be seen. Excellent. She’d never need to know what happened.

     ‘C’mon, Sean,’ I said softly. ‘Wakey, wakey.’

     I removed the hunting knife from its leather sheath and I stood over the sofa, where that piece of meat was snoring, his mouth open.

     ‘Wake up.’ And with my free left hand, I drove my fist into his enormous jutting beer belly.

     The effect was instantaneous. Sean’s eyes flew wide open, a guttural scream escaped his lips and he drunkenly tried to sit up, letting go of the bottle in his hand at the same time— all in the space of two seconds.

     Before he could collect his wits, I landed a powerful blow on the left side of his face. Another. His head swung stupidly. One more punch— yes! He sagged against the sofa, dazed… time to dispatch him.

     I pressed the knife against his neck and leaned close, trying not to let the smell of stale alcohol wash over me.

     ‘Sean,’ I hissed. ‘You’re a pain in the ass. It’s time for you to check out.’

     I raised the hunting knife.

     Recognition was beginning to register in Sean’s bloodshot eyes. He stared up at me wildly.

     ‘What the—’ He tried to stand up.

     I didn’t give him the chance. With one thrust, I plunged the knife into his neck.

     A fine red mist sprayed lightly on my shirt and hand as his throat instantly erupted. Sean’s eyes bulged and his neck started gurgling blood— I quickly removed a cloth from my pocket and slapped it against the wound, letting it absorb instead of spilling onto the furniture or floor.

     Then his eyes lost focus and rolled back in his head. The cloth was now soaked in red as it continued to take in the blood. The rap music played on, loud as ever.

     Carefully, I lifted his body and lowered him on to a part of the floor where there was no carpet for the blood to drip and stain. It was a struggle— the body seemed to weigh a tonne.  

     I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. I happened to glance up reflexively and I found my sister staring at me.

      For a whole minute, neither of us moved. Then I noticed her eyes travelling from my face… to the dead boyfriend on the living room floor… to the bloodied hunting knife in my hand.

     Her eyes went wide—

     ‘LeAnn,’ I said, ‘let me explain—’

     ‘I told you to stay away!’ The accusing words fell out of LeAnn’s mouth like a gunshot. ‘You just couldn’t listen, could you? You— you—’ She pointed me wildly. ‘Animal!’

     I felt a spasm inside me at the word. Animal. The very word I called— used to call— Sean. I looked down at the body at my feet. Am I an animal? If so, did that make me any different from Sean?      

     For once, I was at a complete loss. I had nothing to say to the sister who now saw me for a monster instead of a sibling trying to help. ‘LeAnn—’

     ‘Get out.’ It wasn’t a shout; it was a whisper. ‘Just get out.’


     ‘I’ll take care of the body.’ Her eyes bored into mine. ‘Then I want you to get the hell out of my life. I don’t know you anymore.’

     I stared at LeAnn… and I did as she asked. I stepped away from the corpse and walked out of the living room... out of the house… out of her life.

     It’s been fifteen years since I last saw my sister. True to my word, I didn’t contact her. That day, I saw something die inside LeAnn: her faith and trust in me. It had been replaced with a new feeling: fear. She was scared of what I had done. Of what I had become.

     To LeAnn’s credit, though, she never spoke a word about what had happened to Sean. The body was never found and the news never reached the ears of the police. I have been safe all this time.

     Am I a murderer? I don’t know. Was it wrong to get rid of the person hurting the sister I cared about? By the definition of the law, yes. Yet what is the law but a bunch of words created by old political fools with ulterior motives and nothing else to do?

     On the day I killed LeAnn’s boyfriend, I stepped out of the house and breathed deeply into the night air. I felt a… calmness… come over me. Sean was dead. My sister was safe. The urge to kill him was gone.

     I looked up at the sky and smiled. The moon had never looked more beautiful.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Relationships: Blessing or Plague? A Writer's Opinion

Ah! Young love. Romance and bliss hovers in the air, spreading a warm and fuzzy feeling through all those caught up in the magic. Doesn’t it make you happy to see young couples walking down the road holding hands, or just sitting somewhere without saying a word, only resting their heads against each other? Oh, it is a magical sight, it is.

But while it may be intoxicating for some people, at the same time, it is equally disturbing and nauseous for those around them. I liken it to smoking- it gives a kick to the smoker but to the people around him, it turns them into passive smokers- which is a lot deadlier than actually smoking a cigarette because you end up inhaling the toxins released. The same way, a couple who has no idea how to manage a relationship or turns it into something sickening- the “aw, sweet!” is going to turn to “oh, gross!”.

I make it sound like I am an anti-romantic. I assure you… I am not. I simply have a deep loathing for all couples and people who turn something as beautiful and cool as a relationship into something I now avoid like the plague. Why? Simply because I have no desire to fall into that trap into which others have fallen into. I call it: “The Pit of Irritability, Nausea, Boredom and Icky Where Couples Are No Longer Cool”.

Perhaps I’m being harsh (honestly? I don’t feel anything of the sort!). But perhaps my reasons for being so anti-relationships is simply because of how it affects an existing friendship before the boyfriend/girlfriend came in. That, among other reasons.

Have you ever been in that situation? You, the single one, is hanging out with your friend and his girlfriend. Slowly, little by little, the conversation between the three of you dies and becomes focused on the couple, thereby alienating the single person- you! And when I say alienated, I mean it literally- you feel like a complete stranger lost in some unknown place. It gets even better when they start to completely ignore you and start talking about what to do for their relationship.

I kid you not, this happens very frequently! It has the potential to drive any single person crazy, so much so that you feel like putting a drill through your ears just to be rid of them… permanently. What else will you be free from? Oh yes, the nauseating depression that follows them whenever the other person is not around, the inability to conduct their own meaningful lives without the other person present, and the idea that they don’t seem to want your company when their boyfriend/girlfriend is present.

A word of advice to all those affected by what I like to call ‘Not-cool-couples Syndrome’: find new single friends or hang out with couples who won’t treat you like you’re garbage or invisible (you know this is happening when the couple starts to ignore you and dote on their partner- this is a sign that they have retreated into their little couple-y world). I’m not saying to dump the old friends- instead, surround yourself with people you can keep company with when the ‘Not-cool-couple Syndrome’ kicks in.

And a word of advice to all couples who do the above (guilty parties- stop protesting!): don’t do this. It isn’t nice to treat your friends like that especially when you are all socializing as a group. Why? Frankly, it puts you on to the top of the ‘People You DEFINITELY Do NOT Want To Be With’ list. And, it’s very rude. And it brands you as an ‘icky couple’. When I say ‘icky’, I’m talking about how you can’t keep your hands off each other and can’t stop making out every two minutes. Please- get a room. Or better yet, ask us to leave so that we do not have to be traumatized or damaged with such a sight.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Letter to a Daughter

My dearest daughter,

I’ve watched over you from the moment you first opened your eyes,
And you clasped my finger in your tiny hands.
Your laugh reminds me of the soft music
Heard when cool water plays over smooth pebbles.

I would watch as you learnt to walk,
Stumbling about every two steps, as you gazed wide-eyed at your surroundings,
Amazed with delight.

Eventually, you discovered the wonder of forming meaningless sounds
Into meaningful words,
And then you’d talk for hours on end, cheerful and unabashed,
While I would cry with laughter.

… Your baby phase is wearing off, you are a little more mature.
Yet you still retain a child-like sensitivity…

You are thirteen now- most of your time is spent with your friends.
Your room, once filled with toys- now, the shelves
Are lined with bottles of cosmetics.
And I see you slipping away…
           …inch by inch…

                                                                                  …For at sixteen, you are no longer a child.
                               This much I know. You are nearly a woman.
But that doesn’t help make it easier.

It’s eighteen years
             to the day I first held you in my arms.
You’ve graduated high school and
                     you’re on your way.
Taking your first big step in life.
       Just as you did when you were one.

Eleven years have passed since you left for university.
(This is the hardest part,
For I swore not to cry).
But it’s a promise I can’t keep,
No matter how I try

We are waiting for the doors to open,
You clasp my arm- jittery, nervous.
I tell you, don’t worry, for you are beautiful
In your white wedding gown.
And when you smile, all at once,
You’re my little girl again.

And I’m escorting you down the aisle,
Unable to hide my pride,
Because for me, as your father, there’s nothing harder
Than letting you go.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The General Assembly 3 of CO-MUN 2011

Lights of the ballroom chandelier frozen in time,
Gaze down on the committee,
A hundred people or more assembled together,
Nice sight to see.

Head table of three, on elevated seats,
Judging us like royalty.
Introducing Dhanushka: rapper and fashion-ist of his own style.
And have you met Dulshan? The guy’s got a stoic face
Broken by occasional wry smiles.
And how can I forget the ever cheerful Reema? Hi!
(CAUTION: do not let that cute face of hers deceive you- 
                     Get your facts wrong, you're in for a hard time!).

Ah, my friends, there’s too much to mention, too much to tell,
In a nutshell, we are fun;
Off session, it’s all laughs
And take my word- it’s the best part.

Don’t believe it? Join us and you’ll see-
We’re the coolest:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dinesh Liyanage's Top Ten Movies of 2010

These are my top ten favourite movies of 2010. I haven't watched every single movie released but I have watched most of them, so don't judge me entirely yet.

Here they are:
  1. Toy Story 3
  2. Inception
  3. The Social Network
  4. The King's Speech
  5. How To Train Your Dragon
  6. The Town
  7. Let Me In
  8. Black Swan
  9. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World
  10. Easy A
HONORARY MENTIONS: Iron Man 2, Kick-Ass, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 

Friday, February 25, 2011


The new trend with teenage relationships these days are very strange. It has sort of become a fashion for them to carve on their bodies with anything sharp that they can get their hands on, like they are performing some kind of hideous ritual. Compasses… blades… more compasses… you get the picture.

Cutting yourself up is not going to help. Acting like a spoiled 2-year old child and throwing a tantrum doesn’t work either. Rather than gaining sympathy, a person committing the above is more likely to push the people who care about him further away, earning a lot of disgust and contempt in the process. To demonstrate my meaning, enter Master Carve Nut.

Mr. Carve Nut has been in love with this beautiful girl for a very long time. But he was too shy to tell her of his feelings (but he makes it pretty obvious) and she’s too… well, unsure… about whether liking him back. This lethal combination causes Carve Nut to sink into depression. So, what do his friends do? They are able, by some miracle, to get them together.

Why can’t stories ever end with, ‘and they lived happily ever after’? Instead, it gets further complicated, if that is even possible.

If Carve Nut was ever ecstatic about getting the girl he wanted, the only indication of this was the change in his relationship status on Facebook from “single” to “in a relationship”. Apart from that, it was as if the two were never even friends, much less a couple. We hardly ever saw them smiling or enjoying the company of each others. To be honest, it got depressing for others to hang out with them, especially around Carve Nut. Not a minute passed when he wasn’t complaining about some problem he’s having with the relationship. Carve Nut was a leech sucking out all the fun from the word ‘Fun’.

That was just the surface of the problem. Carve Nut sunk into further depression, if that is even possible, and started to act as if he was the unluckiest person on the planet. It got worse: he caused a lot of friction with his friends because they ended up having to be arbitrator since the above-mentioned couple could never find it easy to just talk to each other without tension rising. Of course, there was also the case where Carve Nut started acting as though they were getting married instead of simply being ‘boyfriend’. Friends alienated, possibility of losing girlfriend becoming more and more likely, it looked as if every day for Master Carve Nut was a waking hell. That couldn’t have been too pleasant.

Then, about 4 months after they’d gotten together, (surprise surprise!) Carve Nut and the girl broke up. That was the beginning of the period of eternal mourning. Unable to cope with the loss, Carve Nut sought to repair the friendships he’d damaged earlier with his arrogant attitude. Feeling sorry for his plight, the friends he’d once cast away reconciled to help lift him out from that dark pit of despair in which he was trapped. However, they weren’t exactly prepared for the task they’d undertaken as it started to blow out of proportion.

Carve Nut was continuously moping and blamed his poor girlfriend for everything that went wrong in the relationship, not realizing that perhaps he was the one at fault; all of this began to cast a terrible and infectious gloom amongst the company he kept with. It reached a point so unbearable that the friends decided to sort things out between Carve Nut and the girl, once and for all. They forced the ex-couple to decide whether they truly wanted the relationship to continue or not. Carve Nut was all for getting back. The girl, however, was extremely reluctant, realizing that she was more unhappy in the relationship than she was when single. For her, it wasn’t worth returning. This declaration was broken to Carve Nut.

Now, a strong and mature person would have been heartbroken to hear this, true enough. But he would have somehow found a way to overcome his sadness and with time, move on. Carve Nut, unfortunately, did not fit into this category. Au contraire…

People take bad news in different ways. Some bear it silently and don’t show much emotion outwardly. Some take it hard but they don’t break down completely. Carve Nut, in credit to his name, used his body as a wall for graffiti and started carving himself up.   

Normally, it is against the habit of a writer to get personal, but perhaps it is vital at this point. Carve Nut started behaving in an extremely foolish and immature manner. It should be reminded (very important!) that Carve Nut was less than sixteen; instead, he was behaving as though his wife of fifty years had just divorced him and then got run over by a car in front of his eyes. Unusual, but true.

Is it an act to get attention? Is it the ploy of a spoiled child used to getting his way having finally realized that for the first, he couldn’t get everything he wanted? Whatever the reason, one thing remains certain: resorting to such behavior- carving and behaving badly- leads to no good. Perhaps it is a way of “dulling the pain” so that they won’t feel so hurt anymore but it is still an extremely dangerous method of doing so and highly discouraged. Also, crying everyday does not do much help, either.

Carving among couples is done at the oddest of times. If a couple is sad, they will carve themselves. If they are happy, they will carve themselves. If they are bored, they will carve themselves! Is it a sign of affection they wish to show their significant other, a display of their devotion?

Love is complicated, true enough, but this writer highly doubts that the contract signed when entering a relationship requires the parties to use extremely unorthodox (and painful) methods such as carving. If you know any couple going to this extent, it is recommended that you make arrangements for them in rehabilitation. Silly people, are they not?